Casino at The Ritz-Carlton i Noord

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ArubaCasino at The Ritz-Carlton



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107, L.G. Smith Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 527 2277
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.582726, Longitude: -70.044295

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mannys Kissimmee


    I am currently staying here. It’s thursday night at 7:45 the casino is not busy at all, took over 1/2 hour just to get a complimentary drink, mean while I’ve put over $75 into the slot machine. Customer service! The casino however is clean and neat. Other than the wait staff other employees are very friendly and helpful.

  • Niels Freckmann

    Niels Freckmann


    Hier kann man herrlich spielen

  • Joe Evans

    Joe Evans


    Day 3 of 9. Second time back. Plan on 8 more visits for sure!! Staff is outstanding. On the concierge level and well worth every penny. Sweetest people, super helpful. Probably only (royal pain from my end) is getting a lounge chair on our balcony. Apparently that ain’t happening;) oh well. All else is awesome otherwise. Maybe into our 6th or 7th visit we’ll get those lounge chairs;) This is TRULY the happiest island anywhere.

  • Joel Namdar

    Joel Namdar


    The hotel staff are extremely friendly and professional. Great family resort.

  • Yarima Pérez Chiquito

    Yarima Pérez Chiquito


    Todo muy limpio. Buena atención y excelente ambiente.

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