Casa Tua Pizzeria in Oranjestad

ArubaCasa Tua Pizzeria



🕗 openingstijden

9, Lloyd G. Smith Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 583 1990
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5162571, Longitude: -70.0370541

opmerkingen 5

  • Irena Loefstop

    Irena Loefstop


    Excellent Food, What i love most is there pizza. Yummy the all mix.




    Carlos our. Server was extremely amazing , on point all the time, The food in my opinion 1-10........I will say a 12. Above and beyond.

  • Elias Berkley

    Elias Berkley


    Service excellence... Would definitely be a repeat guest ... Romantic singer was a delightful experience.

  • Archie Arenga

    Archie Arenga


    A cozy haven behind the casino and facing the bay. The perfect spot to catch the sea breeze, absorb the last rays of the setting sun and watch the massive cruise ships lazily leaving the dock. Amazingly delicious pizzas, pasta and calzone in massive portions. They also whip up mean cocktails. Take advantage of their happy hour specials from 5 pm to 7 pm. I had a delish plate of gnocchi in tomato sauce generously drizzled with Italian bacon and heavenly spices. It came with perfectly toasted garlic bread but I had to order another basket of the bread. It was that good! Paired it with pina colada and I was in pasta bliss... followed by a comforting food coma. Will definitely be back!

  • Gretchen Hall

    Gretchen Hall


    Loved the service and the food was sublime! I highly recommend the pizza and the bruschetta. This is the only place in Aruba that we ate at Twice because the food was so delicious.

Restaurant in de buurt

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