Barefoot Restaurant in Oranjestad

Coronavirusziekte (COVID-19) Situatie

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ArubaBarefoot Restaurant



🕗 openingstijden

L.G. Smith Boulevard 1, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 588 9824
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.508319, Longitude: -70.0294492

opmerkingen 5

  • gekony



    Auf der Insel Aruba eins der schöneren Restaurants und eine Empfehlung. Auch die schöne Lage ist einen Besuch wert. Wenn diese Aussage zutreffend ist, dann geben Sie mir bitte einen 👍

  • Wayne BRIESKE

    Wayne BRIESKE


    Phenomenal in every aspect. They have a world class chef and world class food, you can not go wrong.

  • en

    Scott Rikard


    We were seated on the beach, took off my flip flops and buried my feet in the sand. Wonderful service by courteous and friendly wait staff. The food was served in a timely fashion and we had a wonderful view of the sunset that was only mildly interfered with by a departing cruise ship. The location is a good distance from most of the resort areas and I would recommend a taxi for this one. The food is great and on par with most other restaurants on the island in this price range.

  • Emile de Cuba

    Emile de Cuba


    The restaurant is situated at one of Aruba’s beaches between the airport and downtown. No inside (air conditioned) tables. You sit either right on the beach or under a big palapa. You can see the planes landing right in front of you. You can take of your shoes and enjoy the view and your meal. Food is excellent. Make a reservation as this place is usually full.

  • Lauren Estell

    Lauren Estell


    I had a super delicious grouper with mango cream cheese. Drool. Sat right on the beach watching the sunset. Great people watching. Great service. Coffee was fantastic!

Restaurant in de buurt

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