Caribbean Cinemas Megaplex 8 i Noord

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaCaribbean Cinemas Megaplex 8


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95, L.G. Smith Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 0074
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Latitude: 12.5741201, Longitude: -70.043175

kommentar 5

  • Roberto Ayala

    Roberto Ayala


    Nice cinema cxc is good i hope they can have 4d soon

  • BlueFalcon



    It was pretty decent. The service was ok it could be better bcause some of them didint fully understant what i was saying but the food was good exelent chef and i watched infinti war i recomend go watch any movie in CXC

  • Brenton Croes

    Brenton Croes


    Great prices on Monday and Wednesday. Chairs are nice and comfortable, good variety of snacks at the concession stand

  • en

    Lindan Cigars


    Facility is nice. Comfortable reclining seats. The latest releases. The only thing that has gotten out of hand is there are too many promos before you get to the feature film

  • Riyad Mohammed

    Riyad Mohammed


    Maybe 4 years ago I would've have given this place 5 star and even 3 may be too generous for the lack of service and quality I get there. If it's only the movie you're going for then it's good. Don't expect anything else.

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