Baby Beach Snack Bar i Seroe Colorado

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ArubaBaby Beach Snack Bar


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Seroe Colorado, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297
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Latitude: 12.4129728, Longitude: -69.8787246

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jonathan VB


    Ik would categorize this place as 'tourist trap'. First is the outdated Flintstones theme, including waiters in Fred Flintstone costume. Second are there rediculous high prices always augmented with - never mentioned on the menu - service and tax. Third is the utterly interested service: they really did not care and literally threw the cheque in the table. Forth, when asking at the bar for the place of the restroom I just gotta '$2' for An answer. Aparently one needs a ticket to be asked for to the waiter (never got mine). Fifth when asking a glass of tab water for the children, they refused and said 'they don't do that', only a 500 ml bottle for $2. The virgin Pina colada was tasteful, however and the view is nice when you don't mind the oil refinery on the one side. And currently the place is called 'big momma's grill'.

  • Giorgino Cham

    Giorgino Cham


    Very expensive for a can of beer $6 slow service not recommended

  • Miguel Morales

    Miguel Morales


    Service sucked. They get a 3 because my food was pretty delish. I had a seafood starter platter. Drinks were bad. I had a margarita. Really juicy and just not crafted well considering its one of two places at this beach. Asked to use restroom but was told I had to order food first; however was directed to the bushes out back.

  • Zach Ward

    Zach Ward


    Stopped here for drinks after being on the beech. Had a margarita on the rocks with an orange and a cherry in it, while the guys margarita next to me came more traditional with lime. My wife had a frozen strawberry margarita both tasted like water.

  • en

    Darth Vader


    Nice restaurant, average staff. Everything fried was overcooked beyond reasonable. The curry chicken stew and the beef stew were tasty, my suggestion is to order their stew before anything else. Dirty washrooms, you have to order from the bar in order to use them or you have to pay to do that.

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