Aruba Car Rental i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaAruba Car Rental



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Oranjestad, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 562 2220
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5043335, Longitude: -70.0074175

kommentar 5

  • Oscar Ocampo

    Oscar Ocampo


    Cheap & good

  • Cristina Vasilenco

    Cristina Vasilenco


    Good service. No complaints. We got our rental car in airport right after arriving and return it before our flight back.

  • en

    D. Petersen


    Worst customer service with Budget.I booked 6 months ago and they did not have the model I booked available.Got my car finally after the second day.They wanted to send me away when I was suppose to switch the car to the model I booked.Only after arguing with them they made some phone calls....and surprise I got my car.....Not very organized...the customer doesn't seem to bee their first priority. Budget on Aruba.Never again.

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    Dave K


    Good cars and good price

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    Victoria S


    Ok so I never write reviews but this is a must! Guys if you coming to Aruba and it's absolutely amazing island please do yourself a favour and NEVER NEVER rent a car from Amigo car rental! First of all their 'free pick up and drop off' is total bluff!!! I rented a car from them for a day than decided to keep it for 7 and they told me to come by next day which I did and they quieted me one price which I was totally ok with. Over the phone and in person the next day I declined 'extra daily insurance'. On last day of my vacation when I decided to call them just to make sure I can bring it to airport and all (as they have office there) they told me I owe 100$ more on topthe original quote and extra 10$ for airport drop off. So I decided to go there in person. They were so rude, the called some imaginary boss (who refused to speak to me) and said I have to pay or they take my car away a day early and call police on me because I only agreed to pay what I was qoated on. The experience was absolutely horrific and none of their staff have no clue or pretend they don't have a clue who's responcible for what. There are soooo many car rentals on the island, do yourself a favour avoid the headache

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