Arashi Park i Noord

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ArubaArashi Park



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L. G. Smith Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297
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Latitude: 12.6096688, Longitude: -70.0531983

kommentar 5

  • Emily Culver

    Emily Culver


    We took a public bus up, but it didn't go all the way, so Orlando who works at the beach shack walked with us the rest of the way to show us the direction. We paid $8 each to have beach chairs for the day, which also gave us access to the bathrooms and the showers. The snorkeling was really good! Tons of fish and some speckled moray eels. I'd definitely visit again!

  • Cheri Blessing

    Cheri Blessing


    The most beautiful beach! Hardly any waves, not over crowded and the best little tiki hit bar with fantastic service. They have chairs, umbrellas, food, drinks, music and the best snorkeling around. Try their local beer Chill! $20 for a bucket! The tuna sandwiches hit the spot! Great family run business on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

  • Chris Volpe

    Chris Volpe


    Best beach ever... Nice place to lay out, sand beach ocean, great snorkeling too! Can take the bus or taxi and there is a decent snack bar with adult drinks too.

  • Natalya G

    Natalya G


    Beautiful beach but be prepared to pay money for chair and umbrellas. Even thought the beach is public, the chairs and umbrellas are not and you will be bombarded with the "owners" to buy their chairs. Make sure you get to the beach as early as possible so that you can grab some spots under the trees or some kind of shadow but if you want sun, then come whenever :). Also, if you come on a cruise ship, come outside of the port to a bus station that is literally next to cruise port and take a bus for $2.60 a person to get to this park. You don't need to overpay for a taxi (max of 4-5 people and you pay $26 per car). We took taxi to the park and took a bus on the way back.

  • Jermaine Stewart

    Jermaine Stewart


    Very nice beach with a tarmac parking lot. There is also a shack where you can get burgers, drinks and some other foods. You can also rent chairs a d umbrellas. Soft, white sand. The beach isn't as large as Palm beach or Eagle beach, but is still a nice size. It's also a great beach for finding shells. We didn't do any snorkeling.

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