Xin Da Chang Supermarket in Oranjestad

ArubaXin Da Chang Supermarket


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

Seroe Blanco, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 588 3382
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5266998, Longitude: -70.0232958

opmerkingen 5

  • Luis Reyes

    Luis Reyes


    Mala atención, estos chinos son groseros con los turistas, ademas el sitio no esta limpio y no se consigue nada, es una pocilga sinceramente, espero que la gente de sanidad asistencia social tome cartas en el asunto, esta gente no puede hacer lo que les da la gana pongase pilas

  • en

    Andrés Rojas Calderón


    If you go there expecting a big supermarket you'll be dissapointed. It is a small groceries store where you can find the basic things. If you want something bigger with different options you must go to another option.

  • en

    Albert Roos


    Good stop.

  • Ahmed Ouidir

    Ahmed Ouidir


    One of the employees (male) was really rude to me. When I asked if I could get my change in dollars, he smiled and didn't want to check me out. Same thing happened when I asked him for a box to put my groceries in. Worst Customer service ever.

  • Josue Pico

    Josue Pico


    Good food

Supermarkt in de buurt

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