Wet Bar & Lounge i Noord

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaWet Bar & Lounge



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382A, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 560 3745
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Latitude: 12.5744313, Longitude: -70.0438955

kommentar 5

  • Bryke ONeal

    Bryke ONeal


    This year the Wet bar was my nightly hangout. It’s across the street from the high rises in the mall (behind the waterfountain) It’s my 11th visit to Aruba and I have frequented many bars on the island (don’t judge me, I’m on vacation lol) Great vibe, fantastic sushi, Ivan is a sushi master (best I’ve had on the island), great daily deals on drinks, an awesome see-through dance floor over the water, and a smoking hot bartender (sorry dushi, I couldn’t resist 😊). I’m not sure why Jose is accusing the workers of stealing money. I was there every night for 2 weeks and my tab was always correct. Added bonus: you have a great view of the nightly water show.

  • Jose Ortiz

    Jose Ortiz


    Be carefull with the bar tenders at night in this place. They will try to steal your money and if you catch them they will play stupid. AVOID THIS PLACE!!!

  • en

    Eric Gir


    Awesome cocktails, wonderful staff, super cool dan floor and they have sushi ❤

  • Alisa Fox

    Alisa Fox


    The sushi is delicious and you certainly can beat the prices. I'd recommend trying the dragon sushi. At happy hour it's only $1

  • Michael McDowell

    Michael McDowell


    This place is pretty cool, popular music, big TV's, free wifi, nice bartenders, hung out here like 3 nights in a row, definitely recommend, they stay open pretty late to.

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