The Dutch Pancakehouse in Oranjestad

ArubaThe Dutch Pancakehouse



🕗 openingstijden

Suite 24, Lloyd G. Smith Boulevard 9, Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 583 7180
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5165384, Longitude: -70.0372812

opmerkingen 5

  • Robin SELL Atlanta

    Robin SELL Atlanta


    Best spot on the island for breakfast! Pancakes for amazing the service was incredible... I ate my food before I could take the picture sorry 😁

  • en

    Angelia Miller


    Getting a Dutch Pancake was one of the must do things on my trip to Aruba. We were lucky enough to find this lovely place. It is a open air restaurant that lets you enjoy the island breeze. The Dutch Pancake House serves both savory and sweet pancakes. They were kind enough to make my pancake half savory and half sweet. Our waitress went the extra mile making sure we got what we wanted. Extremely friendly with a great smile everytime she approached our table. They also make fresh squeezed orange juice. Of course we had to have a mimosa. This will definitely be a stop I make on any of my return trips to Aruba.

  • Drew Stephens

    Drew Stephens


    They don't serve "lunch" type stuff until 1pm and no schnitzel until 4pm. Had the country and it was excellent. Pofferties w/chocolate sauce was excellent as well. Service good.

  • Jessica Morton

    Jessica Morton


    This place was so incredible we went twice while on vacation in Aruba! The first one I ate had Brie cheese, candied walnuts, bacon and honey! The second I ate had apples, cheese and bacon! They were so good I ate every last bite and probably could've eaten more despite their large size. I highly recommend you give them a try.

  • en

    Julia Licavoli


    Best breakfast I had in Aruba. Try the savory Dutch pancake with ham, onions, mushrooms and cheese. Great coffee also!

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