Stre'i Mainta Coffee Lounge in Oranjestad

ArubaStre'i Mainta Coffee Lounge



🕗 openingstijden

144, L.G. Smith Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 521 1168
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5187714, Longitude: -70.0380893

opmerkingen 5

  • Charles Croes

    Charles Croes


    Superb environment with excellent quality of coffee and attention to detail

  • Rik Maes

    Rik Maes


    Coffee and service are the best. Food is good to and specialist the home made cakes.

  • Kevin Roos

    Kevin Roos


    Coffee is delicious, menu is varied, and the staff is very lovely. Definitely will come again.

  • Njook Chin A Fat

    Njook Chin A Fat


    Excellent. It's a store in store concept. So you can shop around for house hold articles, furniture and appliances and later on sit back and relax with a cup of coffee. They have light foods. Panini, soups and sweet treats. Reasonably priced.

  • Mark Thompson

    Mark Thompson


    Smit & Dorlas is a Dutch coffee company. Very good coffee. Their Cafe Angelica (hazlenut flavor) is a treat. Their frappacino blows Starbucks out of the water. The seating area is very deluxe and very comfortable.

Cafe in de buurt

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