Smokey Joe's Island Grill i Noord

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ArubaSmokey Joe's Island Grill



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87, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 2896
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5730138, Longitude: -70.044499

kommentar 5

  • en

    Edward Acker


    Cross between local flare and tourist spot. Good BBQ food and good drinks. Kids had fun and service was awesome. Always crowded. Can’t lose here.

  • Mark Vrolijk

    Mark Vrolijk


    Excellent! The food was ready in no time even that the place was almost full. I ordered a half rack original recipe ribs, it was super delicious. The staff is very friendly specially the waiter Terrence who was very kind to us and the other tables in his station. Would surely recommend Smokey Joe's.

  • en

    Lisa Braden


    Love this place! Great food. Great service. Great value. Casual, outdoor BBQ dining within walking distance of Aruba's high rise hotels. We went twice during the week we were in Aruba. I would also highly recommend their sister restaurant, Iguana Joe's (Mexican) in downtown Oranjestad.

  • Barbara Taylor

    Barbara Taylor


    Fantastic BBQ. All you can eat ribs on Tuesday. Great service and personable staff. The hurricane drink was perfect and served in a 14oz mason jar. The atmosphere was very relaxing.

  • en

    Tiffany Ann


    we went to eat here one night while we were in Aruba on vacation. I would say the food is alright, nothing terribly special. The atmosphere is nice, very fun but family friendly. i felt like the prices didn't match the quality. It was very expensive for what you got. we went here on a suggestion of a friend but I felt like there where better options in the immediate area!

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