Sherwin-Williams Paint Store in Oranjestad

ArubaSherwin-Williams Paint Store



🕗 openingstijden

120, L.G. Smith Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 588 2211
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.524537, Longitude: -70.045204

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Patrick Maduro


    Great service, very good quality product

  • Michael Nicolaas

    Michael Nicolaas


    Excellent product and professional personalize service.

  • en

    Andres Dania


    looking for a special paint to paint kitchen cabinet which SW Aruba don't have it and employees don't know about it, Pre catalyzed laquer satin.It come in ready made color or a can be tinted. I'm waiting for a answare today which understood some SW rep: is in Aruba.

  • gisella polo

    gisella polo


    the employees has to have the same policy. I went to Shaba this mounth and there they told me they can scan with a bigger example. So I went back home and next day ask the emplyees of boulevard a copy of the paint with the same example. This lady attent me nice and search my name in the computer in order to copy a painting that I needed so much. She did this in a short time and I was happy and satisfied. My cuestion is why the other dependence can not do the same thing for the client. It save a lot of time for the client.

  • Eugene Handyman297

    Eugene Handyman297


    Great place to buy your paint and paint supplies. 😉

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