Sensei Sushi Bar in Santa Cruz

ArubaSensei Sushi Bar



🕗 openingstijden

Santa Cruz, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 585 0508
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5047177, Longitude: -69.9806718

opmerkingen 5

  • Glenn Croes

    Glenn Croes


    Very good local sushi place, with local flavour, customize rolls.

  • Bernie Agana

    Bernie Agana


    The only thing about Sensei it's that it takes an hour for your food to arrive on your table. All the time.

  • Jairo Vrolijk

    Jairo Vrolijk


    Fantastic, cozy, and friedly staf... delicious food.

  • Jeanina Dupersoy

    Jeanina Dupersoy


    I go eat sushi here all the time. The service is friendly and fast. I highly recommend it.

  • Roël Gomez

    Roël Gomez


    The place is Located at Santa Cruz. Ground floor, next to Subway chain restaurant on the left and an ice cream parlor on the right. The place is Cozy. The food is great. Waiting time for the food to arrive can take a while (depending on the day of the week), but overall price/quality of food is fantastic! My personnel favourite Rolls: Chicken Gorden Blue Sushi Roll Meat Lover Roll The owners are very friendly. Free Wifi available

Restaurant in de buurt

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