Seaport Casino in Oranjestad

ArubaSeaport Casino



🕗 openingstijden

Lloyd G. Smith Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5170836, Longitude: -70.0373348

opmerkingen 5

  • Kishiria-Lynn



    Love the bingo and the casino staff are very friendly.

  • Raymundo Tromp

    Raymundo Tromp


    Great casino

  • en

    Yolanda A Arends



  • en

    ericaz muzik


    DO NOT GO TO SEAPORT CASINO - BINGO :THEY CHEAT!!!!! UPPER MANAGEMENT IS A JOKE! !!!! While vacationing in Aruba my family and I decided to go over to Seaport casino to play bingo Unluckily my daughter won a game and her prize was supposed to have been paying. $300. She yelled bingo twice and immediately ran towards the front to greet the caller. When she presented her winning board - wasn't awarded her payout. The manager of bingo (Richard) didn't honor stating she wasn't heard and he called another number. Bingo is played in a noisy casino where it's constantly slot machines and the noise of talking etc. instead of handling the manner justly -and acknowledging the error on their part. He gave the bingo prize to the next lady/ and dismissed our winning status. We asked for a superior manager and he stated he was in charge of the entire bingo/ casino. He offered no resolution and was very rude and condescending. We demanded someone different to speak to and another floor manager magically appeared. he was of no assistance and merely stood there like an idiot as if we were not paying guests of the casino. I have never been been so unfairly treated. The management was very rude. keep your eye out for this place. THEY CHEAT AND ONLY ACKNOWLEDGE THE LOCALS. BINGO IS A HOAX AND THEY DO NOT LIKE AMERICANS!!!!!!!!

  • en

    Albert Roos


    My favourite casino. Close to home downtown.

Casino in de buurt

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