Royal Plaza Mall in Oranjestad

ArubaRoyal Plaza Mall



🕗 openingstijden

94, Lloyd G. Smith Boulevard, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5202409, Longitude: -70.0396965

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Mary Glasse


    Beautiful! Enough transportation so you dont have to worry about a car as a tourist. Lots of stores and restaurants. Gorgeous views everywhere you look.

  • Terri Berry

    Terri Berry


    Mojito Bar staff is rude & unsanitary!!! I would not reccomend this place to anyone! A patron drank out of a glass, the bartender took the glass rinsed it out poured me a drink in the same glass!!! Who does that??? So disgusting... then when I bring it to his attention the bartender gets upset snatches the drink pours it out & REFUSES to serve me after that... Management was informed & nothing was done... I never got my drink needles to say . Horrible service & very unsanitary!!!

  • Tony De Gracia

    Tony De Gracia


    Mojito's bar and grill...great place to eat and have some drinks. Nice view

  • en

    Dhiraj Rakhyani


    Easy place to shop... Nice atmosphere. Good for tourists!

  • en

    Beth Marut


    Small air-conditioned shops very close to each other, one building they call the wedding cake. Excellent jewelery store in there called Diamonds and Pearls. Good prices, good quality and selection. Parking can be a challenge, but if you are patient you can usually park across the street.

Winkelcentrum in de buurt

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