Royal Level at Barceló Aruba i Noord

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ArubaRoyal Level at Barceló Aruba



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J.E. Irausquin Boulevard 83, Noord, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 4500
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5707139, Longitude: -70.0461925

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mike Dannenhauer


    Accomondations were less than acceptable...asked to change rooms...staff refused...n were nasty..were given a king bed n cot..for 2 single women on vaca...will never go back to the Barcelo ...but WILL go back to Aruba!




    the location is nice the beach is great but as dated need to be updated and customer service and food is not good

  • Luis Guillermo Sandoval

    Luis Guillermo Sandoval


    Nice hotel. I stayed with my family ( kids 15 and 6). Great beach and pool. Staff is super friendly, always with a smile; the people at the front desk, restaurants, recreation, etc, all deserve a 5+. We mostly loved the hostess and waiters at all restaurants. They always had some time to ask about our day and had a small conversation with us. My small kid was fascinated with all the attention he got. Rooms are also quite nice. We assigned a medium rating to dinner restaurants, the ones that are menu based and require a reservation. Food is not as one might expect. It's not bad, but not much different from the buffet. We did have a sour experience with the voucher they give you when you book ( I believe when you book directly with Barceló). We had US 190 to spend. We decided we'd use that money in a massage or facial treatment for my wife. We saved it for the last afternoon. Sadly, when she went to get her massage, the people there gave her tons of excuses to avoid giving her the service; told her the money didn't appear in our account, that the voucher had expired, etc. It all made us think they just didn't like getting paid with that, making that voucher money useless. Too bad.

  • Gen X Kid

    Gen X Kid


    George at the Royal level dinner and his staff were amazing! The food was superb! I definitely will be back again... Thank you!

  • Jess is my name

    Jess is my name


    My husband and I spent just over a week here for our honeymoon in May of 2016. It's absolutely beautiful. Gorgeous beach, amazing food and drinks, friendly and helpful staff and very clean!

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