Red Sail Sports in Oranjestad

ArubaRed Sail Sports


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🕗 openingstijden

Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 733 1087
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.52458, Longitude: -70.026459

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Dan G


    Worst customer service in Aruba. Tried booking a scuba resort course for my two children ( I am certified already) after needing special forms and running around all day getting them I come back to book and they tell me it's full.. then wait we can accommodate you, but I won't be able to dive with my children ...Unless I pay extra for the resort course myself ( certified advanced open water). I just wanted to enjoy my kids first Scuba dive and be there of course. Very very difficult to do business with and the reps at the Timeshare ( LaCabana ) could not decide on anything without making alot of phone calls. Very disorganized, rude and unprofessional. Use one of the local small dive shops you'll be happier.

  • Larry Remp

    Larry Remp


    Good bargain, crew was a little rough around the edges but no regrets. Would recommend

  • en

    Bret Costic


    Our best day in Aruba was the snorkeling lunch cruise with Red Sail. The crew, Randy, Ozzy and Mike, made it a fun and memorable experience. Great music, food, drinks and some amazing snorkeling spots.

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    Russ Huegen


    Did the sunset dinner cruise this year and boy were we dissapointed. We did it last year and it was so good we decided to go again. What a mistake. We were late pushing off and then everything seemed rushed. Food was also cold.

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    Lisa C


    Loved my dive with Red Sail! Highly recommend them to anyone looking for a reliable, safe dive. One word of caution: be sure to read their medical form carefully-- any nos and you need a doctor's note to dive. Someone in our group almost did not get to go because of this.

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