Red Fish Aruba i Oranjestad

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ArubaRed Fish Aruba



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50, Italiestraat, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 280 6666
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.54076, Longitude: -70.052663

kommentar 5

  • Robin SELL Atlanta

    Robin SELL Atlanta


    Not one of my favorite places for food they only served two types of fish. I give 5 stars because the service was great... The restaurant was super busy and our waiter did the best he could considering we showed up just before closing and the restaurant was super busy #robinsellsatlanta

  • en

    D Hall


    Let me tell y’all, I don’t write reviews. . . Never have, but Red Fish is amazing. I’ve eaten at some of the finest restaurants around the world and I have to say that this meal was one of the best I’ve ever had. Everything was so well seasoned and in all honesty, although this is only day two, this’ll probably be one of the best meals I’ll have during my stay . That’s why I’ll definitely be back before this trip in Aruba is over. . .

  • Dann Gwyn

    Dann Gwyn


    A hole in the wall place recommended by several locals. The food was great with large portions and amazing prices. Great spot and would definitely go back.

  • en

    Monique Smith


    One of our favorite places to eat in Aruba. The seafood is caught fresh daily. The wait staff is friendly and knowledgeable. Red Fish has great food and large portions. Also, the prices are reasonable.

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    Kevin Philipow


    Terrible meal and terrible service. Our waiter took our order and then we never saw him again. The garlic sauce served with the fish dish had a chemical after taste. The rice was dry and tasteless. My wife's shrimp was so salty that it burned her lips. We had to hunt down our own condiments from another table nearby. We had to flag down another waiter to get our bill. When we commented on our terrible meal, the guy just chuckled. No attempt was made at making amends. Great ambiance if you like the smell of diesel exhaust from buses and trucks driving past. I would skip this place if I were you.

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