Quickie Lickie Laundromat in Noord

ArubaQuickie Lickie Laundromat



🕗 openingstijden

Route 3, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 7556
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5693297, Longitude: -70.0422037

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Andrew L


    Don't wash whites. Ruined my expensive white tshirts that I wore for the first time in aruba.

  • Paula Charlton

    Paula Charlton


    It is convenient, but some machines were broken and some of the machines could've been more cleaner. What made it better was the attendant. He noticed we were vactioners and assisted us promptly. Overall, it was ok

  • Giovanni Wester

    Giovanni Wester


    Great place. Self service and easy. You can turn on the tv and wait. You can go at the close by stores while you wait for the washer and dryer. There are a lot of machines. And if you don't have the card to use for the machines you can buy it from the machine. The machine is where you load money to your card, there is one for local currency and one for dollars. Dryers are $0.50 per 8 minutes.

  • en

    Fabi an


    The name is reason enough to use this laundry service. We used this service multiple times during our stay and were satisfied. Just give it two washes if you have dirty clothes. Wendys nearby has excellent Wifi, which is usable inside quickie lickie.

  • Ann Rhee

    Ann Rhee


    Very nice place to do laundry if you are staying in the hotel zone - Marriott area in Noord. The manager is super helpful and keeps the place very clean. The prices are really reasonable - $11 for two small loads and dryer plus detergent. If you need to do laundry while in Noord, this is the place!

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