PriceSmart in Oranjestad




🕗 openingstijden

103, Avenida Milio Croes, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 588 4400
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5061887, Longitude: -70.0152066

opmerkingen 5

  • Shardey Culley

    Shardey Culley


    It's nice shopping there the cashiers and very nice the only thing I don't like is that when I'm in a hurry some of the customers stop in the way and take for ever to move but the store is always clean and staffs are always helpful

  • en

    Mark Thompson


    Membership club. Good prices, compared to other stores. Wish their Food Court was as good as Costco's!

  • en

    Sinthya Ridderstaat


    Good place to buy in bulk. They sell produce, clothing, houseware, some hardware, cleaning products. They also have a cafeteria with different options. Enough parking space, except during peak hours or busy season.

  • Moises Ridderstaat

    Moises Ridderstaat


    Not bad it has almost everything from food and snacks to hardware to house hold and they also have electronic device section. They also have clothing section it is not much! but it has reasonable good clothing great body shirts and socks also underwear. Most things are sold by bulk and not single item. But its great you can get fruites and vegies. There is a section of butcher if i may say you get all the beef and chiken and pork also fish here.

  • Frederica Lattig

    Frederica Lattig


    FANTASTIC The only complaint is that they are changing the isles too much. Everytime I have to look where the products are now

Supermarkt in de buurt

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