Peniel Baptist Church in Santa Cruz

ArubaPeniel Baptist Church



🕗 openingstijden

2-D, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 585 6200
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.509462, Longitude: -69.9876018

opmerkingen 5

  • es

    Harold Esquivel


    Es una de las mejores iglesias aquí en Ariba. Su doctrina es muy sana. Dios los bendiga

  • en

    Jessy Rasmijn


    Blessed are those who can freely listen to God's word and being so tranparently guided by the Holy Spirit and their preachings are to comfort and strenghten each one into the best way to declare Aruba & Earth for Jesus Christ🙏

  • Cesar Rios

    Cesar Rios


    This is a place where the Word of God is preached and taught clearly and transparently presenting Jesus as the only Lord and Savior of mankind, being led by the Holy Spirit and centered on the Bible as the highest authority for the Christian and thus glorifying God the Father for his grace, mercy and love.

  • Clint Thomas

    Clint Thomas


    Awesome words of Jesus spoken & taught. Press on towards the goal to finish the race.

  • es

    kevin guzman barco


    La mejor iglesia de Aruba -The best church of Aruba

Kerk in de buurt

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