Palm Beach Plaza in Noord

ArubaPalm Beach Plaza



🕗 openingstijden

95, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 0045
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5742337, Longitude: -70.0430034

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Egbert Toppenberg


    I'm from Aruba and ordered these wheels 3 weeks ago. It looks perfect on Corolla 👍

  • zippy my dippy Lol

    zippy my dippy Lol


    Great place for your shopping need but keep in mind that mall isnt for a bargain there is nothing but the best there and if you like videogames every saturday night theres is a game night where people all over aruba come and have a free to play awesome experience

  • en

    Rue Royale


    Definitely a must visit. You feel at home. Beats staying on the hotel property all day. You get a chance to meet the locals and feel Aruba. One of the most beautiful properties on the island featuring great shopping lovely coffee shops a Mexican bar and a high end gourmet restaurant the largest movie theatre and 8 lane bowling alley.

  • en

    maria jose Cobos


    The mall is half empty. The food court at the 3rd level has completely gone 😝. But the restaurants at ground level are good quality and there are fun activities for the kids like dinojump, mini train trip, and so.

  • en

    Takisha Thomas


    The shopping here is not bad at all! We came here to see a movie while on vacation! $3 USD!

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