New Small Natural Pool AW

ArubaNew Small Natural Pool



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
contacten telefoon: +297
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5526217, Longitude: -69.9748212

opmerkingen 5

  • Anthonny Salas

    Anthonny Salas


    Very nice place to experience, and take picture

  • Marc S.

    Marc S.


    Nice hidden area, a bit tough to get to

  • Douglas McGill

    Douglas McGill


    Really nice. You must swim in the cave pool.

  • Ruben Carpio

    Ruben Carpio


    Very nice place to experience! Do yourself a favor and bring water shoes. You'd feel more confident walking and stepping on the rocks above and under the water!

  • Jeff Schatz

    Jeff Schatz


    Great spot for a chill swim that used to be a "hidden" gem. Time it where there is not one of those God awful UTV tours on site and you'll have a great time. Jumping in the ocean-fed pool from the cliff about 10 feet up is a lot of fun!

Park in de buurt

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