Muscles and Lungs Crossfit in Oranjestad

ArubaMuscles and Lungs Crossfit



🕗 openingstijden

L.G. Smith Blvd, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 736 6875
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.52492, Longitude: -70.044881

opmerkingen 5

  • Milanka Tromp

    Milanka Tromp


    Training is tough and the coaches make you feel at home. No pain no gain!!!

  • Serge Buitenhuis

    Serge Buitenhuis


    Best box in Aruba, welcomes all locals but especialy friendly to drop ins.

  • Armando Andres Muci Ochoa

    Armando Andres Muci Ochoa


    Very supportive team of couches and athletes. Fun and multicultural people make one great atmosphere for training

  • en

    Alvin P. Quandus


    Have been with the box for 2.5 years. A great staff team , good atmosphere, very cool members, good place to train at, and most important to all: The best CROSSFIT BOX on the island. Furthermore, the staff is ready to.assist you, and make your goals to be reached.

  • en

    Vincent Rice


    These people are the best. I was down there for the week on vacation and was able to either hop in one of their classes or do my own thing. My girlfriend was training for an oly meet and they had no problem letting her use the kilo plates and their Eleiko bar. My mom had just started cross fit a few weeks prior and they helped her out as if she was their own member even on days I wasn't there which is a testament to the coach staff and their athletes. Highly recommend popping in if you're ever in the area

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