Kristies Jewels i Noord

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaKristies Jewels



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182, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 0599
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5737942, Longitude: -70.0443663

kommentar 2

  • en

    Sharon Maybruch


    TRAVELERS BEWARE When in Aruba, DON'T shop at Kristie's Jewelers. They are completely disreputable and dishonest. My husband bought a watch there that stopped working after several months. He brought it back to Manish, an employee at Kristie's, who promised to give it to his personal jeweler to repair. If he couldn't fix it, Manish assured my husband that he would send it back to FOSSIL to have it repaired or replaced. My husband made it clear that we were leaving the next day and we needed resolution. Manish assured us that wouldn't be a problem. The following day my husband called Kristie's for an update. The person he spoke to said that Monish wasn't in and he knew nothing about the situation. He said, "Just come get your watch." He was of no help at all. We returned to the US the next morning without the watch. Our friend purchased a watch at Bering Watch Store which is also owned by Kristie's . The watch had blue tooth technology. Within minutes the blue tooth technology stopped working. When my friend asked to get his money back, Manish refused to give a refund. He tried to convince my friend to allow them to recalibrate the watch. Finally , after an hour, they credited my friend's credit card!!! Jewelry stores in Aruba are plentiful. Choose any one of them but Christie's!!!

  • Jordan Rakoske

    Jordan Rakoske


    Picked up a nice watch for 150 less then they sell back in the US. Nice sales staff

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