Kay's Fine Jewelry i Oranjestad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaKay's Fine Jewelry



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8, Weststraat, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 588 9978
internet side: kaysfinejewelry.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 12.5196022, Longitude: -70.0406856

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nicholas Patula III


    Bought a fancy sapphire ring for my wife here. Staff was awesome. Lil bit of pressure to buy but whatever. No tax :-)

  • en

    Sam Masters


    Absolutely beautiful service and top quality items, I recommend this shop over all others on the entire island. I could not be happier with the service and item Eric Punjabi made the whole experience incredible. This is the only place to go!

  • Joy Weiner

    Joy Weiner


    Great store better quality than many others! Sunny is the best ask for him!

  • en

    Edith Chapman


    Joe is our go to guy and he has provided us stunning jewelry year after year. Beautiful gems, great prices!

  • Julie Cook

    Julie Cook


    Kay's Fine Jewelry is a beautiful store with an outstanding and unique collection of fine jewelry. My husband surprised me with a visit on our second honeymoon, back to Aruba after 30 years. Sunny provided us with a wonderful experience with his knowledge, direction, kindness, and patience . . . excellent customer service! This is a jeweler you can trust to sell you quality, gorgeous jewelry at a fair price. I highly recommend Kay's Fine Jewelry. Thanks, Sunny!

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