Gusto Night Club Aruba in Noord

ArubaGusto Night Club Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

348A, J.E. Irausquin Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 592 5579
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5682266, Longitude: -70.045175

opmerkingen 5

  • Cara Chitwood

    Cara Chitwood


    I won't be coming back if we visit Aruba again - MUCH too small of a layout for dancing. It is a L-shaped bar and hard to dance in. Also nobody was really dancing, they were just stuck on the walls like flies. I don't get it! Maybe it's because I am American, but it all just seemed strange to me. I waited many hours to see if it would improve, but it didn't. At least they moved the barstools to give ppl more room to dance. (I prefered Moomba Beach Bar on Betico Day - lots of dancing and lots of room!) The music was interesting to me - a lot of popular songs but every single one had an "Aruban beat" to it. They had half off drinks until 11, which was nice. Prices are double that of the US.. drink was $5, normally $10. But it was strong, so that was nice. Drinks are served in tall highball glasses - don't see that too often in the US! Also be aware if you visit Aruba, their beers are much smaller than ours ;-)

  • Life with Courtney Lorraine

    Life with Courtney Lorraine


    We went here on a Tuesday night and had so much fun! The bartender, Sam, was awesome and funny. He made great recommendations for things for us to do around the island. The music was great and crowd was fun.

  • Naarah Hauenstein

    Naarah Hauenstein


    Very fun place to dance. Bartenders are very fun and all the staff enjoy their jobs. They have a great happy hour and if you are there early they let you request songs!

  • Anthony Pankey

    Anthony Pankey


    Had an amazing time Thursday, Friday and especially Saturday for the Island Takeover Block Party!

  • Milly Vanilly

    Milly Vanilly


    Best place to get drinks, dance and hang out with friends. Happy hour is 9 pm to 11pm and the music is always good. The service is amazing and the security guards are the best! I feel like a celebrity whenever I am there!

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