Fuego Mio Bed & Breakfast in Santa Cruz

ArubaFuego Mio Bed & Breakfast


geen informatie

🕗 openingstijden

San Fuego 48a, Santa Cruz, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 567 7728
website: www.fuegomio.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.50083, Longitude: -69.95524

opmerkingen 5

  • Javier Cabral

    Javier Cabral


    Excelente opción. Ingrid la dueña es súper amable. Atiende todos pedidos Se desayuna de lo mejor. Mi muy recomendable.

  • Ralf Faust

    Ralf Faust


    Exelent and very friendly service. Nice personal approch and so much more than just a place to stay. its like your home away from home.

  • Yvette Lopez

    Yvette Lopez


    I'm at Fuego Mio for the second time with a friend. We're having a fabulous time here. Ingrid is an excellent host. Her breakfasts are exquisite. This is a place to call home when you're in Aruba.🌴 The house is clean, calm, fun and the energy is incredible. It's close to the Natural Pool, a 5 minute walk to Arirok Park and a central location.

  • Dirk Kuiken

    Dirk Kuiken


    We have spent a night at Fuego Mio and we really enjoyed our stay. The hostess is very kind and helpfull and makes a great private diner and wonderfull breakfast. It is located at walking distance from the main entrance of the national Arikok parc. I would definetaly recommend a staying!

  • en

    Dave de Bats


    what a wonderfull place excellent service and a very very nice landlady. breakfast is out of this world!!! thanks Ingrid dor your kind hospitality. you made our vacation!

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