Fresh Market Aruba in Paradera

ArubaFresh Market Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

176/6, Paradera, Paradera, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 280 0089
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5275732, Longitude: -69.9990168

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Lex de Jong


    Decent but small supermarket with A brand supplies.

  • en

    Amarilis Tjie-a-loi


    I was impressed at the moment we entered this supermarket. A big vereity of products. Realy fresh vegetables, fresh baked bread and good meat. I had the feeling being in an European supermarket. Very friendly employees. So helpful. 2 thumbs up. This was the first time we walked into this super market but for sure not the last time. We felt in love with the whole conception of approaching the costumer. Wauw.

  • en

    Emily van Spaandonk


    Very nice, lots of variety. Great selection of fresh produce

  • Edward Erasmus

    Edward Erasmus


    Good supermarket and close to my house. Limited assortment, but you'll often get everything you are looking for.

  • en

    John Fun


    Fresh Market is a pretty well stocked supermarket. It does not live up to its name, produce is normally old, dry or wilted. Great bread, meats and cold cuts sections

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