Esperanto's Cocktail Lounge & Sports Bar in Oranjestad

ArubaEsperanto's Cocktail Lounge & Sports Bar



🕗 openingstijden

14, Store, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 594 0922
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5168044, Longitude: -70.0368836

opmerkingen 5

  • TuscanTalent



    We were so impressed by the manager, his service, the food and the drinks, that we dined there three times during our vacation. The food was outstanding—especially the pasta Bolognese. One would never expect good quality food at a sports bar but their chef is from a well-known island Italian restaurant and it’s obvious. And the best Caipirinhas I’ve ever had!

  • Jack Forrester (Tree)

    Jack Forrester (Tree)


    The only place in the area for vegan food (falafel)

  • Asha



    We absolutely love the food. We loved it so much that we came two nights in a row. Chicken and shrimp was both perfect and for vegetarian, falafel was out of the world.

  • Tasha Jones

    Tasha Jones


    The lamb shawarma wrap was everything! Hot sauce and garlic sauce were nice additions. Blueberry mint hookah was great but they do not replace your coals even if you have hookah left. Only received 2 small dice coals so felt slighted.

  • Patricia Rivas

    Patricia Rivas


    Had the most awful experience at this bar. I ordered a regular Margherita which tasted like bananas (awful). I requested nicely to have my drink changed and the bartender/owner was rude and ignored my request. He did absolutely nothing to address the situation. He was not a host but a coward and the first JERK/RUDE imbecile person I have encountered in Aruba. I do not recommend this bar for drinks. If you are looking to have drinks that you can actually consume and be treated with respect, then stay away from this bar.

Bar in de buurt

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