Domino's Pizza Palm Beach in Noord

ArubaDomino's Pizza Palm Beach



🕗 openingstijden

Palm Beach 186-E Noord, Noord, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 586 0333
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.569612, Longitude: -70.04232

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Igor Koveshnikov


    Good pizza, especially after snorkeling

  • en

    Kres Mendoza


    As any Domino's anywhere... not a very special pizza... just factory-like pizzas...

  • Louisa Cangieter

    Louisa Cangieter


    After ordering 3 times with the same adress and same phone number on my profile, all of a sudden with the forth there was a problem with the adress and the phone number. 3 times no problem and 4th ther was an issue. We live on a small island poeple kudawecha is a 5 min drive from palm beach.

  • Stash Siedlarczyk

    Stash Siedlarczyk


    About a dozen employees congregating towards the back, all in plain view, it took several minutes to finally be acknowledged, and that was just the beginning. She made us feel like we were a bother to them. After all, I did witness them eating, drinking, and horsing around in the food preparation area. I just watched a couple walk in, wait to have their order placed, and after also being ignored just walked on out! If I were the franchise owner I would have to reevaluate the staff. One other note, I ordered two medium pies and a 2 litre of coke, they don't supply plates, which I was fine with that, but they ran out of cups! I was in a party of four, what were we going to do, pass the bottle around?!! They said one of the employees had to leave and buy cups, about 5 minutes later she returned with them. What an operation! 🤔

  • Princess Lehia

    Princess Lehia


    This location of dominoes makes the best pizza, so far. The pizzas look lovely and like they are made with lots of love. Service is Excellent. Bravo!

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