Djiespie's i Oranjestad

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Caya G.F. Betico Croes 101-A, Oranjestad, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 588 9500
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Latitude: 12.5195136, Longitude: -70.0315477

kommentar 5

  • Giovanni Wester

    Giovanni Wester


    Djiespie's is a well known place for breakfast, even if your buying to take out or sit and eat. During the Friday night, there is a mini band playing for all 60 plussers to enjoy and dance. Place is locally own and has local prices. It's located at the end of the main street. All their pastechi's are baked and therefore has a delicious taste.

  • Ingrid Stewart

    Ingrid Stewart


    Nice place to be. Good entertaiment on fridays. You meet people you want to meet and those you have not met in a while.

  • Jairo Trimon

    Jairo Trimon


    Very nice place to dance on Fridays

  • Jennyfer Nadal

    Jennyfer Nadal


    I love there pastechi's there gr8 service nice local ladies there's even gellato's

  • Victor Maduro

    Victor Maduro


    Snackbar located in the main street. All kinds of refreshment is available. The 5 star however is for the live entertainment Friday evenings. The music is mostly local/antillian. The crowd is mostly adult/local. If you really want to get an honest impression of the Aruban flavor without the tourism hype, this is the place to visit.

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