Charlie's Bar in San Nicolas

ArubaCharlie's Bar



🕗 openingstijden

56, Bernard van de Veen Zeppenfeldstraat, San Nicolas, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 584 5086
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.4327583, Longitude: -69.9067418

opmerkingen 5

  • Sedrick Scott

    Sedrick Scott


    Bar keep Tony & Charlie are knowledgeable about the drinks & food. I especially enjoyed my conversation with Charlie on Environmental issues that are effecting the island. A lot of history and stories to listen too.

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    Matthew Johnson


    When you first walk in you are overwhelmed my the immense amount of stuff. As you sit down and have a drink you begin to take it all in and see how much history is in this place. Items from all over the world that have been hiding here all of these years. Look at the ceramic Dutch houses lined on the back bar shelf. Those are all KLM mini liquor bottles. Raul was super friendly and had a very good grasp on the history of this place. We had the surf and turf. 2 huge grilled lobster tails and a nice steak. The PICOR de Gallo in the crock was amazing and the sauce on the steak was super unique and I really liked it.

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    Gregory Gaul


    Overflowing with atmosphere. I hear food varies, but we were very happy with the fish chowder and catch of the day choices. Family visits during the day for sure. Charlie's is in the San Nicolas red light district; evening activities are likely interesting.

  • Jan Zupnick

    Jan Zupnick


    Greatest little bar and restaurant in Santa Cruz Aruba. Well worth the 40-minute drive from orangistat. Prices a teeny bit High the great food and a wonderful experience

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    cindy stahlman


    Great place to experience. Have a beer and visual tour. Food not that great

Bar in de buurt

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