Caribbean Palm Village Resort in Aruba

ArubaCaribbean Palm Village Resort


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🕗 openingstijden

Palm Beach Road, Aruba, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 526 2700
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5646688, Longitude: -70.0326894

opmerkingen 5

  • Paula Ardel

    Paula Ardel


    Great resort set one mile inland away from the crowded high-rises. Resort has two pools, one has a swim up bar. There are two hot tubs and and on site restaurant. Rooms are spacious, most have full kitchens. The staff is very friendly and very attentive. Daily Shuttles to the beach are provided and there are plenty of restaurants within walking distance. It's a home away from home.

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    Robert Masci


    Love the place well kept friendly staff two pools and away from all the tourist noise

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    Michael Lefay


    Great place if you are not looking for beach front, busy place. Located inland 1 mile off Palm Beach. 2 pools, swim up bar, hot tubs, restaurant scheduled to be open soon? Some recreational activities, water aerobics, pool volleyball, bingo, blackjack tournament. Weekly visits by tour promoters who offer discounts on tours. Staff helpful with reservations. It is a timeshare resort however there was no hard sell pressure to buy happening. Low key, but close enough to everything(it is a small island). Agreement with, and daily shuttle to Moomba Beach, car rental on premises.(not the best deals) Great family place.

  • Pieter Spuijbroek

    Pieter Spuijbroek


    It is merely ok. The Arubian female receptionist was a disaster, not friendly at all and she charged my credit card without my consent. The rooms and the resort are up to standard, although a bit dated.

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    Paul Sorbello


    The new bar restaurant is horrible! Actually no restaurant. Just a bad bar. The rooms were fine.and service was good.

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