C-JAM by Eugene Unisex Barbershop💈 N.V. in Oranjestad

ArubaC-JAM by Eugene Unisex Barbershop💈 N.V.



🕗 openingstijden

Wilhelminastraat 3, Lok. 3 Doña Clara Building, Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 567 8053
website: www.facebook.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.519007, Longitude: -70.0361038

opmerkingen 5

  • Michael Andre Lucas Winterdaal (Dejavu)

    Michael Andre Lucas Winterdaal (Dejavu)


    Very Profesional haircut done by Eugene himself

  • Shabranickto Demonbane

    Shabranickto Demonbane


    Great place, friendly and aan awesome job. Highly recommend this barbershop.

  • Ralph Shalda

    Ralph Shalda


    I arrived on a cruise ship and was glad to find a great barber shop that was open Saturday evening. I am not their typical customer, being well above the average age in C-JAM’s - from all appearances it may have been a first for snow white hair to litter their floor! Service was exceptional. Very polite and professional in a clean environment. Thanks for a great haircut!

  • Jerry “JD” Dimaggio

    Jerry “JD” Dimaggio


    Even though the Chicago Cubs haven’t been doing so well..... sorry ☺️... anyway I did enjoy my fade ....and watching soccer and talking sports. Owner is an excellent guy! And thanks to the guy who let me go in front of him !

  • Arc Rich

    Arc Rich


    Best barbershop in Aruba, Guaranteed... i cut my hair with Dani and he did a great job... look for Eugene the owner he is an awesome guy...

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