Beach Food i Noord

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ArubaBeach Food



🕗 åbningstider

Noord, Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 560 7300
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.500898132927, Longitude: -69.987159834752

kommentar 5

  • Jared Casperson

    Jared Casperson


    I love this to go food. Everything I have had has been delicious. Anthony is very attentive and quick to be at your service. I love the simple ordering via WhatsApp. He Always get my order correct and even asks or recommends modifications to my order to make it that much better. I love the constant updates with specials and/or and changes to their operating hours. My favorite is the garlic pesto chicken sandwich. So fresh and bursting with flavor. This is my go to place for to go food. Anthony uses his Italian/Venezuelan background to make some amazing combinations. Must give it a try.

  • Antakarana Cacao

    Antakarana Cacao


    The food here is delicious and healthy. The service is fast. I’m vegetarian and they have many options for me. My favourite is the vegetarian lasagna. Located in a easy parking area. My favourite take away restaurant in Aruba.

  • Deborah Wolff

    Deborah Wolff


    Love love love the super mega lekker fresh food and on top quick service !

  • Virginia Melendez

    Virginia Melendez


    I love the Food, fast service and vibes... So easy to eat delicious with you guys!!

  • en

    Niki Zach


    Really delicious food. You can order ahead and it is done in less than 20minutes. Everything tastes fresh and and the portions are big and not expensive! I highly recommend trying it out!

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