Baby Beach in San Nicolas

ArubaBaby Beach


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Baby Beach, San Nicolas, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.4143189, Longitude: -69.8807732

opmerkingen 5




    La mejor playa de Aruba . Hermosa! Alquilamos un auto para ir . Podes llevar comida o comprar ahí en un bar .

  • Wilson & Irais Soto

    Wilson & Irais Soto


    It's nice because the water is quite shallow for quite a ways. Make sure you get there nice and early to secure a nice spot at one of the free little straw huts. There is a company there that rents out beach chairs for $8 each in the mornings. They will not haggle, so keep that in mind. Bring your own meals/snacks/drinks if possible, as everything is tourist priced. It can get very windy in the winter months. Also keep in mind that busloads of tourists get dropped off so you'll be competing with them for spots.

  • Ward Blackwell

    Ward Blackwell


    Took our baby here. Very fun to go in the water with him. It was very gentle so we didn't have to worry about waves banging up on us.

  • Pet Detective

    Pet Detective


    Amazing beach. *Practically, you have to have a rental car to get here. Lovely shallow water for swimming. Popular beach, when I went the water was too churned up for snorkeling. Some free shade is available, or umbrellas and cabanas for rent. Lots of parking, but you may have to walk. Another beach is nearby, on the other side of the peninsula. Three food options, two on the beach and one between Baby Beach and the next one. There are some signs to find it but we still had to ask for directions. Worth the drive. Amazing!

  • Corrie Davidson

    Corrie Davidson


    Big parking lots ring this bustling beach with a beach bar. It gets less crowded the farther away from the restaurant you go, we pulled our car right up to the edge near Jads Dive Center and walked right into the water for some pretty good snorkeling. Be careful of the rip tide and waves breaking over the rocks, but that's where you'll see the most fish tucked under the rocky shelves. Pretty navigable if you're careful and keep your eye out for breaks in coral to pass through.

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