Baby Beach Arubus Stop in San Nicolas

ArubaBaby Beach Arubus Stop


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🕗 openingstijden

Baby Beach, San Nicolas, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.4143982, Longitude: -69.8802258

opmerkingen 4

  • Danny Krimgold

    Danny Krimgold


    Lovely beach but a total tourist tap - they wanted $56 for a shade and chairs. The lagoon itself is very calm and you can snorkel on the space closer to the sea which has cute fish and excellent visibility. Note: Toilets are apparently $2 per use.

  • en

    Kevin Koehler


    Baby Beach is all the way at the southern end of Aruba, so be ready to drive about an hour or more if you decide to stop at sites along the way. Good place to spend half a day on the beach and of course snorkeling. Since it has a cove it is perfect for being on the water since the waves are reduced because of the rocks. This is also a good place to see the fish swimming about and a sea snake in the rocks. I could only mark this area using the "BUS STOP", I sent to Google a correction but have not heard anything back. But once you walk about 25 feet you will be on the beach.

  • Gaby M.

    Gaby M.


    schöner Strand mit wenig Wellengang, gut für Kinder geeignet; kostenlose Strandschirme und ein paar Bäume für Sonnenschutz sind vorhanden

  • Antonio Castro

    Antonio Castro


    A melhor praia de Aruba mas com pouca infraestrutura

Bushalte in de buurt

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