Baba's TV & Appliance Depot in Oranjestad

ArubaBaba's TV & Appliance Depot



🕗 openingstijden

L.G. Smith Blvd (Sasakiweg, Oranjestad, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 583 4557
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.529832, Longitude: -70.0509605

opmerkingen 5

  • Tanush Shah

    Tanush Shah


  • Joshwa Jorge Figaroa

    Joshwa Jorge Figaroa


    Great amicable service from a very well informed and flexible staff. One of the few places where you are sure to feel at home with making your purchases.

  • Roshan Lakhwani

    Roshan Lakhwani


  • Yurriaan Van Duyn

    Yurriaan Van Duyn


    A bit pricey and their assortment is dated, but they have some good things here to check out and you can maje a deal when buying multiple things.

  • Hector Marcelo Mercado (360Bizmercado)

    Hector Marcelo Mercado (360Bizmercado)


    Baba's TV & Appliances sales Electronic, TV, Radios, DJ Items, sound items, cellular, calling cards, memory card for cameras, cameras, and all Appliances need at come same as office. I found the price selection and helpfulness of the employees fantastic. They knew the product specifics and made great suggestions. I went to smart shopper and found the same product for less.

Elektronica winkel in de buurt

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