August Eagle Lifestyle Suites in Eagle

ArubaAugust Eagle Lifestyle Suites


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🕗 openingstijden

Caya Dr. J.E.M. Arends 19-A, Eagle, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 594 6974
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5430205, Longitude: -70.0564428

opmerkingen 1

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    My husband and I booked a studio suite at this location for a quick 4 day weekend trip and loved it. The owners are very nice and accomodating. The room was clean and new and very nicely decorated. I woke up feeling like I was sleeping in a big fluffy cloud with the white sheets and curtains. We had a balcony with a nice cooling tub with jets and a nice view of the city. This location would be best for someone with a car if you plan to go into town a lot; however, we did fine with the bus and taxi which are very reasonably priced and the beach is only a 10 min walk. Beach gear was provided and a grocery store is near by. Not close enough to walk but only $6 for a taxi. Would definitely stay at this location again!!

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