Aruba Beach Villas i Noord

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ArubaAruba Beach Villas


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L.G. Smith Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
kontakter telefon: +297 586 1072
internet side:
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Latitude: 12.5891611, Longitude: -70.0465042

kommentar 5

  • es

    Marcelo Brizzio


    Exelente atencion de Hayde, muy atenta y siempre predispuesta con el pasajero. ubicacion perfecta. Recomendable.

  • I Yelitze

    I Yelitze


    Es Un Maravilloso Paraiso Tropical mis visitas fueron lo maximo ame mi estadia y mis paseos en el tren

  • es

    Gisella Guerrero


    Muy bella la playa al frente y los alrededores. Es muy conveniente la ubicacion y se requiere auto. Las habitaciones son antiguas muy limpias cero ruido. El estado de las camas y somiers deberia mejorar

  • en

    Steve D


    This place is in a great location and the pool is nice. That is about all the good things I can say about Aruba Beach Villas. The villas might have been nice 10 or 15 years ago. They are very dated and not very clean. all the white appliances, blinds and walls are yellowed with age. Cheap plastic blinds on all windows are broken, the shower is 2 x 4 feet and the shower fixtures are cheap plastic and leak. The bed is like sleeping on the floor and electric outlets are not in great locations. We paid over $1400 for 7 night in low season. We have been to Aruba before and Paid the same amount for a very nice condo in high season and it had a much better pool!

  • Paula Maffo

    Paula Maffo


    great location. It is basic and a great price. It is advisable to rent a car if you stay here.

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