Aruba Aloe Factory AW

ArubaAruba Aloe Factory



🕗 openingstijden

115, Pitastraat, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 588 3222
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5410146, Longitude: -70.037418

opmerkingen 5

  • Ariel Maduro

    Ariel Maduro


    I mean..not a good idea during the pandemic too bored

  • Shay Mcclure

    Shay Mcclure


    Amazing place to learn and buy aloe plants and aloe based products. They staff was amazing and I left knowing more then when I came in.

  • beatrix buetow

    beatrix buetow


    Really interesting working factory tour. Didn't know how many ways you could process and use aloe. Also a great store to buy the aloe products. Have used several. Really work.

  • Tor W

    Tor W


    Great learning experience while in Aruba. Very interesting to learn some more history of the island. Great products for sale in their store. Good stop for anyone visiting the island

  • Giovanni Wester

    Giovanni Wester


    Great and nice place. Usually famous for tourist. They have the factory and the museum in the same place. The make all their products from aloe vera. Product is being exported internationally.

Museum in de buurt

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