Bubali Bird Sanctuary in Noord

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ArubaBubali Bird Sanctuary


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🕗 openingstijden

Noord, Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297
website: www.aruba.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.560305, Longitude: -70.0518027

opmerkingen 5

  • Edward Zievinger

    Edward Zievinger


    Really relaxing place to be. Bring your camera & binocular.

  • Marcia Neufeld

    Marcia Neufeld


    Quiet, peaceful and loaded with birds. Best times to go are just after sunrise and just before sunset.

  • en

    Kristina Weekley


    Disappointing. Building condos on the back part of the sanctuary and I expect that isn't bringing the birds in. Aruba has some beautiful birds but I didn't see any here. Pigeons were plentiful as were the marsh hens.

  • John Cangieter

    John Cangieter


    This is an awesome place to view the different bird wildlife on the island. It is a great place for photography. Very calm and relaxing. Bring your kids aling to view.

  • Satish Shikhare

    Satish Shikhare


    ** Google directions to this place may not be up-to-date. ** You can find this place by locating a large windmill and then taking an unmarked dirt road into the sanctuary. The place itself is not large, though the observation tower provides a good view over water bodies and vegetation. It also has roof to cover from the Sun. We observed Great Egret, Neotropic Cormorants, Common Gallinule, and one Osprey. Nothing that we had not seen elsewhere near the resorts and on the island. We also noticed that a lot of cars would come and park. No one would get off. They would be just parked there. They would not roll down the windows, either.

Park in de buurt

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