The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba in Noord

ArubaThe Ritz-Carlton, Aruba



🕗 openingstijden

Maandagopen 24 uur
Dinsdagopen 24 uur
Woensdagopen 24 uur
Donderdagopen 24 uur
Vrijdagopen 24 uur
Zaterdagopen 24 uur
Zondagopen 24 uur
#107, L.G. Smith Boulevard, Noord, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 527 2222
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.5827568, Longitude: -70.0443827

opmerkingen 5

  • Michael Stumpe

    Michael Stumpe


    Tremendous service. Shanty and her team did an amazing job setting up an amazing trip for my wife and me. Made everything special since it was out 10th anniversary. Food was fantastic. Service service service. Top shelf. Looking forward to coming back.

  • Antoaneta Necheva

    Antoaneta Necheva


    My husband and I stayed at the Ritz-Carlton with my son, daughter-in-law, and our 2 granddaughters (ages 4 and 1) in Sept, 2020. We had a fantastic stay, and we owed it to the professional and friendly staff at the hotel. They went above and beyond to make sure we had a relaxing and memorable vacation. The hotel is very spacious, beautifully decorated, elegant, and the lobby smells very nice. The amenities are awesome! Since there's not much in the area, the hotel offers pretty much everything. Ritual cafe (the coffee is amazing!), a small convenience store, high-end shopping, etc. They have it all. It was a little sad, because the hotel was less than 50% full, but no one likes big crowds anyways. On Sept 5th, It was our son and daughter-in-law's anniversary, so we had dinner on the beach, which was the highlight of our stay. I would like to give special thanks to 3 people, who worked really hard to make this evening flawless on all levels. Our waitress Ria (apologies if her name is misspelled!) was so unbelievably sweet, accommodating, and personable, yet very knowledgeable and professional. We got to meet Lucien (the Chef), and Mulva, it was very kind of them. The food was amazing, the ambiance was so romantic, the service was impeccable. Thank you for this unforgettable evening! We will definitely be back.

  • Julie’s Cozy Corner

    Julie’s Cozy Corner


    The Ritz is excellent! My stay was fantastic! The room is spacious and well appointed. Beds were soft as were the pillows (important to me since I can’t sleep on a hard mattress). My children were treated so well by staff. Beachside is excellent and poolside too! The staff here is absolutely amazing. I recommend for families with children of any age. FYI I recommend The Ritual coffee shop! They have sandwiches and small bites to eat. The Ice cream had us stopping by every single night for a treat!

  • Samuel Kent

    Samuel Kent


    I was able to take my wife to join family at the Aruba Ritz. This hotel was gorgeous. Nestled at the end of the beach coast line, the Ritz had a private beach. It was usually empty with plenty of chairs opening onto a tranquil swimming area. The staff were amazing and helpful. The lobby was open and luxurious. The rooms were spacious with porches. Nothing like espresso in the morning on the balcony watching the clear blue if the Caribbean. After morning wash, head down to the breakfast area and eat fresh local fruit, eggs, and other breakfast foods outside in the veranda. Wander to the pool or beach and relax as servers on segways bring you drinks and food. Wind the day with eating at the restaurants or heading into town. End with sitting on the back upper veranda with a drink listening the waves rolled over the beach and the moon glistens over the sparkling crystal blue water.

  • Tony Ortiz

    Tony Ortiz


    Really nice hotel. Customer service AMAZING. Has a fun casino. When you arrive at the hotel they great you with champagne.

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