Kini Kini Transfer & Tours in Oranjestad

ArubaKini Kini Transfer & Tours



🕗 openingstijden

33, Flacciusstraat, Oranjestad, AW Aruba
contacten telefoon: +297 588 3333
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 12.526881, Longitude: -70.039934

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    June Collier


    Did the ATV tour with Alex, as our guide. The tour was the best activity we did while in Aruba. Alex was super and the stops along the way were interesting. I have minimal experience with ATV’s and was able to keep up. Some parts of the path/trail were rocky and took much maneuvering and nerve to get through. That being said I felt safe and had a blast for 4 hours. Well worth it! Oh yes, and at the natural pool please SLIDE down the rocks to get in the will thank me for tidbit later

  • Andrew Hotchkies

    Andrew Hotchkies


    Great tour and should be a must do when in Aruba. You will see parts of the island you can only get to on a tour like this. Get to ride through the streets of Aruba as well which was fun. Some real bumpy parts so not for people looking for a leisurely trip. Our guide, Alex, was great and very personable. He was very excited to show us Aruba. You will get dirty and dusty so dress for it and remember to bring towels for the natural pool. Should be noted that it's about 100 steep steps down to the pool so you need to have some modicum of fitness to get there and back.

  • Casey Carey

    Casey Carey


    Alex was an amazing tour guide during our ATV tour of Aruba. He was fun, energetic and knowledgeable. My fiancé and I were on tour with one other couple which made the experience even better. This tour was by far the coolest thing we did while visiting Aruba. We got to explore many noteworthy sights, take photos and got a chance to swim! The trip can get a little muddy so make sure you don’t wear white running shorts like I did! lol

  • Jill Messmer

    Jill Messmer


    GREAT GREAT TIME! We had a tremendous experience with Kini Kini on our ATV tour. We were on a Royal Carribbean cruise but they didn't offer individual ATVs like this so we went rogue and booked this excursion independently... So glad we did. Even though we got mixed up and missed our pick up time, they came back and got us and hooked us up. Our tour guide was Joe and he was phenomenal! We were all experienced riders and he let us HAVE FUN!..Encouraged us actually and we couldn't have been happier. We were all staying safe but making the most of our time. (Our youngest rider was my 28yr old daughter / Oldest myself and my husband at 61/60 yrs of age. If you're strong and competent on an atv you'll be fine.) Make no mistake, this is an extremely rocky, bumpy trip and not for the meek, but I'm glad we booked individual atvs and that I wasn't stuck riding double. (That would be awful without handle bars to hold and brace against.) We saw lots of buggy and safari style machines when we were out and we all agreed that we were VERY HAPPY with our choice and glad not to have to be sitting in those getting jostled all over the place. Fortunately our weather held out and we were able to visit all the key spots and we especially loved our time at the natural pool. Note wear shorts long enough to cover your thighs to prevent chaffing while riding for hours on the atvs and wear water shoes...especially at the pool as the rocks are sharp and slippery. And keep a hold of your hats and sunglasses at the pool because when a huge wave breaks over the tops of the rocks they get blown off your head by the force of the water. I lost a $300 pair of prescription glasses which were fortunately recovered for me by a person with a snorkel/mask. If you have your own snorkel & mask, it would be well worth the effort to bring it. The backs of the atvs have storage compartments to hold odds and ends. Joe gave us bottled water as we went. There was no free lunch given, but you will stop by a food truck where you can order snacks or a meal. Also, there is a toilet trailer that you have to pay a dollar for so be sure to have a couple dollar bills along...clean and well worth it by the way. Just to wrap this up, this was a great experience. Kini Kini and Joe made us feel safe and well cared for. Their machines worked well and this had to be one of the very best excursions we've ever done!

  • Anjanie Sakhi

    Anjanie Sakhi


    Great experience. Pancho was knowledgeable. Disappointed because my reason for doing the tour was to go into the natural pool, but due to weather conditions we were not able to, which I completely understand, safety first. Pancho did take us to the black sand beach, which was beautiful. The ATV tour was a little rough at times (and I am an adventurer) but loads of fun!

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